My life feels topsy-turvy this October. Judging from the news at home and abroad, I am in good though not happy company. As the last leaves fall in Vermont, the old saying, “Well, blow me down!” feels apt.
It turns out that the Latin and Greek words for pertaining to eight are the root words for “October,” what we consider to be the tenth month of the year. Julius Caesar added January and February to the Roman calendar, but October kept its name. A blown down 8 is the universal sign for infinity. What the world needs now is infinite Grace.
October, my birth month, is also associated with mystery, magic, and mischief--all related in my mind to Grace. October is a month of preparation for winter in the northern hemisphere and for holidays in many traditions. October 30 was “Mischief Night” when I was a child. We were not permitted to go outside. On October 31, Dad took us trick-or-treating on Halloween to keep us safe from goblins while Mom stayed home to give out candy to neighborhood children. November 1 is All Saints Day in the Christian tradition, followed on November 2 by All Souls Day, which is far more inclusive. Sainthood is a matter of opinion.
Our ancient ancestors considered October and November as the time of year when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thin. The falling leaves leave space for the living to connect with the dead and the divine. Many mythologies refer to mischief between the divine and human realms—some tricks, some treats.
My contemplative practice continues to evolve as I age. The symbol ∞ shows up in many models of behavioral and spiritual development. My favorite so far is the Möbius Strip, an infinity sign with a half twist. It’s a metaphor for magic and mystery, where dreams of positive possibility take root and lead us into depth in shallow waters. Parker Palmer uses a Möbius Strip to illustrate how our inner and outer lives are a seamless, closed, feedback loop. When I can hold both my inner and outer life experience simultaneously, I often encounter Grace.
At 73, I may be losing some of my metaphorical leaves, but I am making more space for Grace. If everyone welcomed this space to our inner and outer conflicts, we might just experience infinite Grace. So be it.